THE GENERATION GAP BEULAH LAND By Kenvil Atkins      Oh beautiful St. Lucia Island in the sun I did not leave because I hated thee  You are dear to me like a cup of cool clearwater  But the pioneer spirit would not let me be It's in my blood and pushes me onward  But I vouch someday to return my love today my soul mourns for thee seeing your Dying ambers  The young and old have been taken, hostage Rule by a government of weak hearts  There is a brewing cancer governed by a nest of scorpions and vipers of all kinds For a few trinkets, they come by the shipload To your shores Recking havoc on a then our peaceful nation of God-fearing people who live by the rules  Now it is too late your birthright has been stolenSold to the highest bidder  By the very same people you love and protect  They open your door to strange people withStrange custom intending to dominate  Placing a choke hold around your neck force You into submission slavery  Some came bearing gifts making us a gluttony People rotten fruits at that poisoning this  Generation for gain and security now they openly bear arms against us killing  Our people at random our loving citizen of the sun Island will soon be no more  The killing has become a way of life a vice adopted by devels and passing it on to our youth For a mere trinket  While our leaders twirl their fingers looking for another bribe another dollar useless infidels  Our creole heritage is soon to become a thing of the past replace it with Twanise jumbo mombo or Chinese Chin Chung Our land of peace our beautiful St. Lucia has become a vipers paradise  Fellow brothers and sisters beloved of St. Lucia there is no time left for slumber  Open your eyes to the destruction around you  The degradation and dysfunction of warm peopleI am not at present with you but urge you to Harness your God-given birthright And rise to a new beginning a new dawning  Arm your selves with integrity love and fellowship  Trod on the belly of the snakes and shout upon the rooftops a call to arms cleanse the land that gave you birth the land of Hills and valleys Farest Isles of all the earth I came back to see you live among you but you plunder my resources and left me wanting  Nevertheless, I love you like my brethren' mind and body the die is cast now is the time to root out evil in your community your villages your cities and yourselves  May the glory of Jehovah whom I served shine uponYou as you fight the good fight The age of killing must stop now and only you can do it Accomplish this if not prepare yourself for a mass Burial of a once peace-loving creole peopleI now leave you to summon up your courage


Independence what does the name mean, it means that you do not need any help from anyone, that you endeavor to do it on your own, and most assuredly you are a success at what you do. Food for thought is beggar St. Lucia independent?, every administration that is in power to represent the people yes the people, not themselves, goes out panhandling to anyone who would give them a bone, of course, they are begging so that they can steal their newfound wealth, Fox my man! You nailed it, to further elaborate on your unique observation let me say St. Lucia had no business being independent when all it does is panhandle, begging for bones, the so-called elected leaders for the past decade have been blind beggars, they act like kids playing at a tea party with dummy stuff dolls. Then they fight among themselves for who is going to plunder the resources of St. Lucia in the name of the commonwealth, next they scrabble with name-calling followed by numerous lies, and deceit, no wonder this country St. Lucia is now in a shit hole with murders by the score, still the so-called lazy leaders fight and scrabble among themselves, not standing tall and being true heroes to the cause, some are asleep at the wheel they are, let me tell you what they are not, truthful nope, lazy yes, greedy definitely yes, innovative thinkers nope, bossy oh yes, fresh my, yes, some are even stupid yes, brilliant no if they were they would not have let crime wreck havoc among my people, and those are the people who represent this failing Island of St. Lucia, captain the ship is sinking. The biggest heartache of all is that the Island has produced and still has among those failures people of true grit and brilliant top-notch sons and daughters, however, they are not given one chance to shine, on the stage, and do you know why?. It’s the age-old scenario the have and the have not, the well-to-do snuff up their noses at the poor, making them second-class citizens. So the greedy bastard who envisions a seat, corrupt and hungry places a chokehold on decent people like you my beloved St. Lucia.
RELIGION IS NOT THE ANSWER Asking favors of Almighty God, it should be done with the utmost respect, Almighty God is not there at your beck and call, he sees all, knows all, and is not def or dumb. His might is beyond belief, and his majesty is awesome, only when you face calamity do you invoke the name of the Lord, why?, don’t you know the words of the Almighty, he says when calamity befalls you do not seek him, so why implore that your only solution is to portray the name of the Lord for deliverance. Come together and serve the Lord God Almighty with truth and reverence, humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, so the Lord can hear your supplication, it's not for you to command the Lord, make your request to the Lord and know that it is if the Lord is willing, yes! There is no complexity to this issue, it is a blatant crisis our people are being murdered, while civil society twiddles its thumbs, speech after speech rendering no action, the remedy is lacking, if I had the power I would send you all packing, if you all are so inclined and ready to work with leaders to curb and nip this crime spree in the bud, open your fat purses, yes your fat purses donate to the Saint Lucia Royal Police Force there is a Moses within this department she knows what to do. Until you have a more constructive and positive solution to Saint Lucia's homicide problem, stay back and stand still, let Almighty God Jehovah in his great mercy deliver our people, I assure you that he will in his own time.
A HOUSE DIVIDED PART II You and I know that a house divided cannot stand, consider yourself all brothers and sisters in the Lord if you say in your mouth and profess to your brethren, that you love Almighty God! Then in his circle, there should be no hatred between brethren. Saint Lucians don’t forget that you are living on a little Island, enough to squeeze into a cup, hatred, wickedness, backbiting, and all that makes for hatred should cease, indeed the power of God is enough to manifest in the righteous, and the righteous shall inherit the land, please love thy neighbor. In Saint Lucia, we all should be neighbors, and in reality, we all are, you are all sons and daughters of Saint Lucia, different colors but individual one person. Since you possess human weakness and are not able to control it, why not agree to disagree with your peers, many hands make light work, and a still tongue makes a head wise, if you must live in a state of madness consider yourself no better than those who persecute you, for the evil goes like a lion roaming seeking whom it can devour, be brave Lucian seek peace among all thing and yourselves. Point out each other errors in a civilized professional manner, avoid wrath keep your cool, some of you are given gifts of gab, and others smarts, and still, others are given wisdom but lack knowledge, the spreading of malicious gossip by those of opportunity is a dead end and destruction to a nation, yes the nation of simply beautiful Saint Lucia. Of course, the pen is mightier than the sword, he says and she says is never good news, why not use positive vibrations to touch the nation, congratulation Jazz festival was a success, use a veneer like this as a platform to come together for the benefit of your people, let your efforts be seen as a mirror reflecting Saint Lucia outwardly to all people of all kinds. Negativity only resides in losers, be positive that influence progressive people, print some good news today, and become your brother's keeper, we are all of one father. Hoping and praying for my Saint Lucia.



A degradation of a once peaceful people, living under the mid-day sun on a cool paradise Island, how greed destroys all morality and forces its people into submission, Lately crime and all kinds of violence are soon to be Saint Lucian heritage. This is a wake-up call to my people the people of St. Lucia, remember The Land The People The Light, so it is time to reclaim back your peace-loving Island, a house divided will not stand, don’t forget many hands make light work, come together as one, and banish sorrow Saint Lucia.
Thus says the man, we inherit not that we fail to protect our citizens, no that will look bad within our administration, let's just say we inherit who cares what the people say, we need to spin a new handle, of course, sexual harassment that will do for now, one blinking excuse after another, failure to communicate, bickering playing the name game offering excuses instead of results, Saint Lucia, citizens of Saint Lucia ask how much was the bottom line cost of the cricket stadium compare to six motorcycles presented to the police force. The poor dejected police force, as usual, the security of the Island, takes no presidency at all too busy making themselves look important around the round table, HOW CAN YOU WIN A FIGHT if you cop out in the middle of the struggle, with such flimsy excuses of telling your citizen, it's not us we inherit it, cowards, liars, weak hearts darn failures. How can my people accept this political nonsense, how can you live with yourself, yes you put them there through their fancy words, but you never tested them, and that is why they are now all getting failing grades, they mean all who stand in the way of real progress, those who offer up excuses rather than success, another weekend of killing lets broadcast this, before we play the name blame as if that can comfort the victim's rights and suffering. Are you all serious about ridding the Island of its misery, as far as I can see the criminals are dominating and winning this escapade of crime and violence hands down, what do you intend to do about it, are you so safe yourself that all that is done is cheap talk no action, or the little bone toss out there is all you can afford, people give us some hope to crack some heads, get united it’s a win-win situation fighting together, it is becoming a bad situation? Doubly I am praying for my Saint Lucia, but I see your saviors are all sick men, men with no honor, no guts to deliver you from the depression you now face. You need to have a strong police force well equip with today's technology, men of will, people of honor male or female, to battle today's criminals, not six motorcycles. FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE – NAME THAT TUNE?